The Salesforce workflows alternative that every business needs

Salesforce is a great CRM. It is omnipresent, and has been around for ages now. However, what it is not, is a sales process adherence platform. And this is the biggest difference that sets Luru apart as the prime Salesforce workflows alternative.

Experience the Luru difference

luru is the #1 salesforce workflows alternative
Luru workflows better alternative to salesforce workflows
Unidirectional alerts
Time to set up
Days or weeks
External SI (service integration) partner help
Maintain and scale
Difficult to maintain
Easier to scale and maintain
Number of workflows
Limited to 300
Inclusive of pricing
Meeting Playbooks

Why Luru is the #1 Salesforce workflows alternative

1. Luru is a complete sales process tool
Salesforce workflows help with basic automation by sending one-way notifications on Slack. But as your team grows, you need a more complete solution. That's why many companies, in search of a replacement for Salesforce workflows, opt for Luru.

Over 50% of your reps' time is spent in meetings, and following meeting playbooks is crucial for pipeline health and visibility. Luru stands out as the top alternative to Salesforce workflows by including a note-taker within Zoom (or Google Meet) and automatically pulling up the right playbook for the meeting.

The notes sync to Salesforce in real time, and reps can update CRM records or take down tasks right within Zoom during the meeting. In addition to meetings (Zoom, Google Meet) and messaging (Slack, Teams, Google Chat), Luru is accessible anywhere on the browser!

Luru is complete sales process tool, and the best competitor to Salesforce workflows
2.  Ultra powerful workflow filters
Salesforce workflows enable creation of very basic workflows which do not solve even reasonably simple use cases. Businesses looking for powerful workflows prefer Luru as the ultimate alternative to Salesforce's weak workflow filters. For example:

- Need to know if your team hasn't emailed any contacts for a deal even a week after it's qualified?

- Want to remind sales reps to update notes 4 hours after a meeting?

- Or get a list of deals where the last outbound call wasn't answered?

You can't do these with Salesforce workflows, but Luru makes it super easy. So it is a no-brainer that Luru is the prime Salesforce workflows replacement.
Luru is the best salesforce workflows alternative with powerful workflow filters
3. Replace Salesforce workflows with two-way Slack alerts
With Salesforce workflows, you'd notify the team on Slack, but action happens in Salesforce. Now, with Luru, your team acts straight from Slack!

They can tweak any record detail, log a call, and update meeting notes—all in Slack (or Teams or Google Chat!). We've noticed more Salesforce updates happening when it's in the flow of Slack.
That's a big reason Luru's adoption is higher; it's the go-to alternative for Salesforce workflows.
Two way slack alerts with Luru, ultimate salesforce workflows competitor
4. The go-to Salesforce workflows alternative with Scheduled workflows
With Luru, you can set up workflows to be automatically executed at a set schedule.

For example, every Monday morning, do you want to remind your team about the deals closing that week? Or do you want to send an alert to your team before your weekly Friday review meeting with the list of deals that have not been updated?

With Luru, scheduled workflows are in-built to your plan, and simple as ever to get going with.

With Salesforce, scheduled triggers are available only when you go the extra mile with premium, costing you more money, with less ROI. Yes, you read that right. No wonder why Luru triumphs as the best alternative to Salesforce workflows.
Schedule workflows with Luru-better alternative for salesforce

Built for and by revenue leaders

salesforce workflows competitor with reliable roi
Automation even for Salesforce Starter plan users
Salesforce workflows are only available if you are on the premium or higher.  Companies seeking powerful and cost-effective alternatives to Salesforce workflows understand the Salesforce workflows are not reliable in the long run.

Unlike Salesforce workflows, Luru works seamlessly even on the more affordable Salesforce Starter plan ($9 per user per month).
The best salesforce workflows alternative and competitor with high level integrations, and magicsync luru
Luru MagicSync: No more manual data entry
One of the reasons companies prefer Luru as the best Salesforce workflows alternative is because of how Luru has made CRM data entry zero-friction by being present in all work tools that a seller uses.

Luru MagicSync (currently in beta) takes the bar further - by eliminating up to 90% of manual data entry. MagicSync AI taps into the sources of data - emails, meetings, Slack conversations - and automatically understands and updates the CRM contextually.

Our core principles

Luru's commitment has always been to addressing pain points of modern businesses. Luru isn't just another tool; it's a strategic partner that understands nuances of sales processes and offers tailor-made solutions.

Luru is designed around two core principles:

Luru most powerful workflows over Salesforce workflows, making it the #1 salesforce workflows alternative


Minimize human intervention whenever possible.


Prioritize creating a beautiful user experience when automation isn't feasible.

Luru is a complete and powerful sales process adherence tool - which ensures actual adoption and love from your sales team.

Whether it's in Slack/Teams, Zoom/GMeet, or anywhere on the web! Luru offers an integrated solution that adapts to your workflow, standing out as the prime alternative to Salesforce workflows.

In case you need more convincing

We have much more data in our CRM than we used to. It's really easy to use. Took me 5 mins to set it up. But it still isn't very limiting in what it can help you do. I can set up automations, new scripts and templates in it whenever I want to and it'll improve our sales ops even further.

Ishaan S

Co-founder, Spear Growth

Having visibility into pipeline movements and upsell opportunities has been a breeze with Luru. It's like having my own little command center within Slack. From deal movements to discovering new upsell opportunites, all the important alerts are right there when I need them. It’s a real step forward.

Ishwar S

COO, Co-founder, Exotel

LURU is my Robin because "I AM BATMAN". Remarkable in-call sidekick for your Google Meets and Zoom calls. This extraordinary companion effortlessly gathers all the relevant information about your prospect during the call and seamlessly updates the call notes on your CRM. It's like having your very own Alfred, ensuring you have all the crucial details at your fingertips.

Prashant S

Senior Product Evangelist, WebEngage

Luru has really changed the way we handle our sales process. Being able to manage everything directly from Slack has kept our team on their toes and moving swiftly. It's like Slack has evolved from just a communication tool to a command center where we can get everything done. No need to navigate away or lose time switching between applications. It's all there in our Slack channels.

Santhosh G

Growth Leader, Zepic

Slack is now Our Sales Home. Thanks Luru. Our sales team spends most of their day in Slack and this tool seamlessly integrates with our sales team's daily workflow in Slack. The automation features, especially the Meeting Workflows, have been a game-changer for us. They enable us to automate a significant portion of our tasks, providing a much-needed boost to our productivity.

Raj Vimal C

Co-founder, Finmo

A sales guy’s delight! Has been my favorite note-taker app. I can easily take down my Sales notes inside the Zoom and Google Meet meeting windows. The best part is that these sales notes are synced to Salesforce fields, notes, and tasks! And all my notes are sorted in one place inside Luru

Akshay Gupta

Partnerships, VWO

No more waiting for review meetings to know what is happening. It's cool how I can track deals and see progress right in Slack. Feels like I've got a sales dashboard in my pocket all the time!

Harsha Chelle

Strategic Accounts, Postman

Luru gives easy visibility into my team’s pipeline helping in better pipeline review meetings. Luru enables my team to update Salesforce a lot quicker through a simple spreadsheet-like interface. Now our pipeline is always up-to-date!

Shuvam Gupta

Head - Sales, Cogno AI

The email workflows have become my favorite feature. Automating and tracking email responses between our team and clients is a breeze now. It's like having an extra pair of hands helping us meet our deadlines.

Vishnu J

Founding team, DeepSource

Sales sidekick I never knew I wanted to manage my pipeline in HubSpot. As a founder and salesperson, Luru is my favorite productivity and note-taker app. I take a LOT of notes and the CRM auto-sync functionality fits my needs perfectly. Basically sales notes on steroids.

Sanjay Shenoy

Founder, Tractionn