Boost Sales with LinkedIn Message Templates That Work

August 23, 2023
Ananda Kumar
Lazy Sales Reps is a myth

In the world of sales and prospecting, LinkedIn has emerged as a game-changer. It's not just a platform for networking or job hunting anymore; it's a goldmine for sales professionals looking to connect with potential clients and expand their reach.

The secret sauce to LinkedIn sales success? Effective messaging. Crafting a compelling, personalized message can be the difference between a prospect hitting 'reply' or 'delete'. It's not just about what you say, but how you say it. And that's where LinkedIn sales message templates come into play.

These templates are not confined to just one medium. Whether you're reaching out via LinkedIn's standard messaging, using the advanced features of Sales Navigator, or even sending an InMail, a well-crafted message can open doors.

But remember, a template is just a starting point. The real magic happens when you tailor it to your prospect, making them feel seen and understood. It's about striking a balance between professionalism and personal connection, all while keeping your sales objectives in mind.

In the sections to follow, we'll dive deep into the art of LinkedIn sales messaging. We'll explore what makes a message stand out, share tips for crafting your own, and even break down some successful examples. So, whether you're a seasoned sales pro or just starting out, there's something for you here. Let's get started!

The art of LinkedIn sales messaging

LinkedIn sales messaging is an art that requires a deep understanding of your prospect's needs and interests. It's not about sending a generic sales pitch to a long list of contacts. Instead, it's about creating a personalized message that resonates with your prospect and compels them to take action.

A successful LinkedIn sales message is more than just a sales pitch. It's a conversation starter, a relationship builder, and a value provider. It's about showing your prospects that you understand their challenges and that you have the solution they need.

Linkedin Sales Message Template

The key to crafting such a message lies in personalization and targeting. Let's delve deeper into these two crucial elements:

Personalization in LinkedIn sales messaging

Personalization is all about making your prospect feel seen and understood. It's about showing them that you've taken the time to learn about their needs, their challenges, and their goals. This could mean mentioning a recent post they made on LinkedIn, commenting on a shared interest, or acknowledging their work in a specific field.

For example, instead of saying, "I think you might be interested in our product," you could say, "I noticed that you've been sharing a lot of content about sustainable business practices. Our product aligns with this ethos by providing..."

Targeting in LinkedIn sales messaging

Targeting, on the other hand, is about ensuring your message reaches the right people. This involves understanding who your ideal prospects are and what they care about. It's about crafting a message that speaks directly to their needs and interests.

For instance, if you're selling a software solution designed for small businesses, your message should speak to the specific challenges small business owners face. You could say something like, "As a small business owner, I know you're always looking for ways to streamline your processes. That's why I thought you might be interested in our software solution, which is designed to..."

By combining personalization and targeting, you can craft LinkedIn sales messages that not only stand out but also resonate with your prospects. This can lead to higher response rates, stronger relationships, and ultimately, more sales. So, as you embark on your LinkedIn sales outreach, remember to take the time to understand your prospects and tailor your messages accordingly. It might take a bit more effort, but the results will be well worth it.

Crafting the perfect LinkedIn sales message

Crafting a compelling LinkedIn sales message is a bit like assembling a puzzle. Each piece has its place, and when they all fit together, you create a clear picture that draws your prospect in. Let's delve deeper into each of these essential elements:

Best Linkedin Messages for Sales
  1. Personalization: Personalization is the cornerstone of effective sales messaging. It's not just about using your prospect's name (although that's a good start). It's about showing that you understand their needs, their challenges, and their goals. Have they recently published an article or achieved a significant milestone? Mention it. Does your product or service solve a problem they're facing? Highlight it. Personalization shows your prospect that you see them as an individual, not just a potential sale.

  2. Value proposition: Your value proposition is the 'why' behind your message. Why should your prospect take time out of their busy day to engage with you? What can you offer them that they can't get elsewhere? Your value proposition needs to be clear, compelling, and directly tied to your prospect's needs or pain points. Remember, it's not about what you can do, but about what you can do for them.

  3. Clarity and conciseness: In today's fast-paced business climate, time is a precious commodity. Your prospects don't have time to wade through lengthy, convoluted messages. Keep your language simple, your sentences short, and your message concise. Get to the point quickly, but without sacrificing the necessary details.

  4. Call to Action (CTA): Every sales message should have a clear goal, and your CTA is how you achieve that goal. Whether you want your prospect to schedule a call, download a resource, or simply reply to your message, your CTA should guide them towards that action. Make your CTA clear, compelling, and easy to follow.

  5. Professional tone: LinkedIn is a professional platform, and your message should reflect that. While it's important to be friendly and approachable, maintain a level of professionalism in your tone. Avoid slang, jargon, or overly casual language. Remember, you're not just representing yourself, but your company as well.

Crafting the perfect LinkedIn sales message isn't an overnight process. It takes practice, patience, and a willingness to learn from your mistakes. But with these essential elements in mind, you're well on your way to creating messages that capture attention and drive action.

21 proven LinkedIn sales message templates for various scenarios

In the world of LinkedIn sales outreach, having a well-crafted message can make all the difference. It's not just about what you say, but how you say it. The right message can spark interest, build relationships, and ultimately drive conversions. In this section, we'll explore 21 proven LinkedIn sales message templates, each tailored for different scenarios. Whether you're following up on a previous conversation, sharing a case study, or inviting a prospect to a webinar, these templates will provide a solid foundation for your outreach efforts. 

  1. The warm introduction: This message leverages a mutual connection to establish trust. It's important to not only mention the mutual connection but also to tie it to the reason for your outreach.

    For instance, "Hi [Name], our mutual connection, [Mutual Connection], mentioned your impressive work in [Their Field]. I believe [Your Product/Service] could be a game-changer for [Their Company]. How about a quick chat next week to discuss this?"

  1. The unique value offer: This message should clearly articulate the unique value your product or service can provide. Be specific about the benefits and tie them to the prospect's needs or challenges.

    For example, "Hi [Name], I've been following [Their Company] and am impressed by your innovative approach to [Their Field]. Our product, [Your Product], has helped similar companies increase their efficiency by [Specific Benefit]. I'd love to explore if we could do the same for you. Are you available for a quick chat next week? What's the best way to get 15 minutes on your calendar?"

  2. The post response: This message shows that you've done your research and are genuinely interested in the prospect. It's important to make the connection between what you've learned and your product or service.

    For instance, "Hi [Name], I read your recent post on [Topic] and found your insights very valuable. It made me think about how our product, [Your Product], could help address some of the challenges you mentioned, particularly [Specific Challenge]. Would you be open to a brief discussion on this? I'd love to hear more about your thoughts on the topic."

  3. The event follow-up: This message leverages a shared experience to start a conversation. Make sure to mention a specific point from the event that ties into your product or service.

    For example, "Hi [Name], your insights at [Event Name] were thought-provoking. Our product, [Your Product/Service], addresses similar challenges. What about a discussion of potential collaboration over a call next week?"

  4. The direct introduction: This message is straightforward and to the point. It introduces you, your company, and the reason for your message.

    For instance, "Hi [Name], I'm [Your Name] from [Your Company]. We specialize in [What Your Company Does] and have helped businesses like yours to [Specific Benefit]. I thought it would be worth exploring if we could help [Their Company] achieve similar results. Can we set up a time to chat? How about a quick call next Tuesday or Thursday?"

  5. The content share: This message provides value upfront by sharing relevant content. Make sure the content is truly relevant to the prospect and tie it back to your product or service. For example, "Hi [Name], I recently came across this article on [Topic] and thought it might be of interest to you given your role at [Their Company]. It touches on some of the challenges that our product, [Your Product], aims to solve. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. "

  6. The direct ask: This message is direct and clear, asking for a meeting or call right away.

    For instance, "Hi [Name], I'm reaching out to see if you'd be open to discussing how [Your Product/Service] could help streamline processes at [Their Company]. Our clients have seen significant improvements in [Specific Benefit]. Can we schedule a call next week to discuss this?"

  7. The compliment: This message starts by complimenting the prospect, which can help to establish rapport. Be genuine and specific with your compliment.

    For example, "Hi [Name], I've been impressed by your work at [Their Company] and the way you've [Specific Achievement]. It's clear you're a leader in your field. I'm reaching out because I believe [Your Product/Service] could further enhance your success by [Specific Benefit]. Can we discuss this further?"

  8. The soft sell: This type of message introduces your product/service in a non-pushy way. It's important to maintain a friendly and respectful tone.

    For instance, "Hi [Name], I hope this message finds you well. I'm reaching out because I believe [Your Product/Service] could be of interest to you. We've helped similar companies to [Specific Benefit], and I'd love to share more about how we could potentially do the same for [Their Company]. Would you be open to a brief discussion?"

  9. The industry news: This message starts a conversation based on recent news or trends in the prospect's industry. Make sure to tie the news back to your product or service.

    For example, "Hi [Name], I recently read about [Industry News] and thought it might have implications for [Their Company]. As a [Your Position] at [Your Company], I've been helping businesses navigate these kinds of challenges. I strongly believe [Your Product/Service] could offer a solution. When can we set up a time to chat?"

  10. The case study share: This message shares a case study of a client who has benefited from your product or service. It's a great way to demonstrate the value of your product in a real-world context.

    For example, "Hi [Name], I recently worked with a company in your industry, helping them to achieve [Specific Benefit] with our [Your Product]. I thought you might find their story interesting and potentially see parallels with [Their Company]. Would you be open to a brief discussion on how we might replicate these results for you?"

  11. The question: This message starts a conversation by asking a question. It shows that you're interested in the prospect's opinion and opens the door for further discussion.

    For example, "Hi [Name], I've been impressed by the innovative work [Their Company] is doing in [Their Field]. I'm curious, how are you addressing [Specific Challenge]? Our product, [Your Product], has been successful in tackling similar issues and I'd love to share how."

  12. The webinar Invite: This message invites the prospect to a webinar or online event. It's a non-threatening way to provide value and introduce your product.

    For example, "Hi [Name], we're hosting a webinar on [Topic] that I think could provide valuable insights for your work at [Their Company]. We'll be discussing [Brief Description of Webinar Content], which aligns closely with your field. Would you be interested in joining us?"

  13. The product update: This message shares an update or new feature of your product that could benefit the prospect. It's a way to show that your product is continually improving.

    For example, "Hi [Name], I'm excited to share that we've just launched a new feature for [Your Product] that can [Specific Benefit]. I'd love to discuss how it could streamline your processes at [Their Company]. Are you open to it?"

  14. The testimonial share: This message shares a testimonial from a satisfied customer. It's a powerful way to show social proof.

    For example, "Hi [Name], one of our clients in your industry had this to say: [Quote from Testimonial]. Their situation was similar to yours at [Their Company]. Can we discuss how [Your Product/Service] might help you achieve similar results?"

  15. The challenge solver: This message addresses a common challenge in the prospect's industry and how your product can solve it. It shows that you understand their pain points.

    For example, "Hi [Name], many companies in [Their Industry] are grappling with [Specific Challenge]. Our product, [Your Product], was designed to tackle this. Can we discuss how it might be a fit for [Their Company]?"

  16. The personal connection: This message mentions a personal interest or activity that you share with the prospect. It's a way to build rapport and make a personal connection.

    For example, "Hi [Name], I noticed on your profile that we both share a passion for [Shared Interest]. It's always great to connect with fellow enthusiasts! On a professional note, I believe [Your Product/Service] could significantly benefit [Their Company]. Can we discuss this?

  17. The group discussion: This message refers to a discussion or post in a LinkedIn group that you both belong to. It's a way to show that you're engaged in their industry. For example, "Hi [Name], I saw your insightful comments in the [LinkedIn Group] discussion on [Topic]. Your perspective really added to the conversation. It made me think about how our product, [Your Product], could address some of the issues you mentioned. Would you be open to a discussion on this?"

  18. The eBook offer: This message offers valuable content, like an eBook or white paper, to the prospect. It's a way to provide value upfront and position yourself as a resource.

    For example, "Hi [Name], I recently authored an eBook on [Topic] that I think could provide valuable insights for your role at [Their Company]. It explores [Brief Description of eBook Content], which aligns closely with the challenges you're likely facing. Can I send it over to you?"

  19. The follow-up: This message follows up on a previous conversation or message. It's a way to keep the conversation going and show your persistence.

    For example, "Hi [Name], following up on my previous message about [Your Product/Service]. I believe it could really help [Their Company] with [Specific Benefit]. Can we set up a time to discuss this?"

  20. The referral request: This message is used when you're seeking introductions to other potential prospects within the recipient's network. It's a way to expand your reach and find new opportunities.

    For example, "Hi [Name], I'm looking to connect with professionals who might benefit from [Your Product/Service], much like [Their Company] has. Do you know anyone in your network who could be facing challenges with [Specific Issue] and would appreciate an introduction?"

Remember, these templates should serve as a foundation that you can adapt to fit your unique situation and style. The most effective LinkedIn sales messages are those that are personalized, clear, and provide value to the recipient. Use these templates as a starting point, but don't hesitate to modify them to align with your unique situation and style

Wrapping up..

In this guide, we've delved into the strategy and artistry of LinkedIn sales messaging, a crucial component in the toolkit of any sales professional. We've underscored the significance of personalization, value proposition, and time efficiency in crafting messages that not only capture attention but also prompt responses.

We've also equipped you with 21 proven LinkedIn sales message templates, each designed for different scenarios. From warm introductions and value propositions to cold outreach and follow-ups, these templates provide a robust foundation for your LinkedIn sales outreach initiatives.

However, remember that the most impactful messages are those that are tailored to your unique situation and style. So, feel free to modify these templates to better align with your needs and the specific context of your outreach. Above all, always aim to deliver value in your messages.

Now, it's your turn to implement these strategies. Begin crafting your LinkedIn sales messages and observe the transformation in your sales outreach efforts. Whether you're a newcomer to LinkedIn sales or seeking to enhance your existing strategy, these insights and templates are an excellent starting point.

Here's a pro tip: To supercharge your LinkedIn sales efforts, consider integrating Luru Sidekick into your workflow. Luru Sidekick is a productivity assistant that eliminates the need for context switching by making your CRM available right where you need it. Whether you're using Salesforce or Hubspot, or managing your meetings through Zoom or Google Meet, Luru Sidekick allows you to swiftly take notes, update CRM information, and access your pipeline, tasks, and meetings without leaving the LinkedIn page of your prospect. It's a game-changer for sales professionals who want to focus more on selling and less on administrative tasks.

If you found this guide beneficial, don't forget to share it with your network. You never know who else might find these insights useful. Here's to successful outreach and even more successful selling with Luru!

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