Mastering HubSpot Automation: A Comprehensive Guide

September 20, 2023
Ananda Kumar
Lazy Sales Reps is a myth

Hey there! Sitting here in Luru with my trusty laptop, I can't help but think about the impact automation has had in our lives. Sipping on my coffee, I reminisce about those days of manual emails and tedious client follow-ups. Good riddance, right? With tools like HubSpot, our digital lives have undergone a transformation that's nothing short of magical.

In this fast-paced digital age, the mantra is to do more in less time. HubSpot, a titan in the sales and marketing domains, tapped into this mantra early on. 

So, why is HubSpot automation such a game-changer? It’s because it allows businesses to be nimble, adjusting to market shifts seamlessly. It's not just about speed, but also about strategizing smarter.

I've pieced together this article to deep-dive into the wonders of HubSpot's automation features and use cases. From sales strategies to data integrity, we'll explore it all. So, make yourself comfy, and let’s dive right in!

Introduction to HubSpot automation

At its core, HubSpot automation is a sophisticated system designed to simplify, optimize, and amplify marketing, sales, and customer service processes. Instead of manually handling each task or communication, you can set predefined rules or triggers, allowing HubSpot to take the reins and operate with precision and consistency.

Over the years, HubSpot's intuitive design and robust functionality have fueled its ascent as the go-to automation tool for businesses. From startups to multinational corporations, organizations have recognized the invaluable benefits of automating their operations. It empowers companies to scale their marketing, sales, and customer service efforts, all without adding a single member to the team.

Imagine a world where nurturing leads, qualifying prospects, sending crucial follow-up emails, and even creating service tickets happen seamlessly. This is what you can do with HubSpot automation. Hundreds of tasks, which once drained hours from your day, can be now automated and executed based on the criteria or triggers you've set.

Not only that, you can also diminish human error, reallocate time for tasks of higher value, and craft a more tailored experience for each customer. Marketing automation with HubSpot is essential for marketing and sales teams looking to work smarter, not harder. 

Benefits of HubSpot automation

Here are some of the key advantages you’ll gain by implementing automation in HubSpot:

  • More leads, less work - Automated lead nurturing via email can double or even triple lead conversion rates by sending personalized messages at just the right time.
  • Higher productivity - By reducing manual, repetitive tasks automation lets your team focus on high-value activities like closing deals.
  • Improved data quality - Automation improves data hygiene by detecting incomplete records, validating information, and prompting contacts for updates.
  • Greater personalization - Automated segmentation and conditional content create 1:1 messaging at scale.
  • 24/7 consistency - Automation provides an always-on engine to handle repetitive tasks without human errors like forgetting or delays.
  • Valuable insights - The data captured from automation provides powerful analytics into your sales and marketing processes.
  • Scalability - Automated processes scale your lead follow-up from dozens to thousands without increased headcount.
  • Delighted customers - Automation delivers a repeatable, personalized journey that delights customers and builds loyalty.

The use cases and benefits of HubSpot automation are nearly endless. Let's look at some real-world examples next.

Real-world HubSpot automation examples 

Here are just a few examples of how companies leverage HubSpot automation in creative ways:

  • An online store harnesses HubSpot to send reminders to customers who've left items in their carts, boosting sales.
  • A software service provider automates lead scoring to prioritize potential customers, streamlining their sales funnel.
  • A retailer sends out automated feedback surveys post-purchase, enhancing customer engagement.
  • A manufacturing company integrates a HubSpot chatbot, enabling customers to find answers swiftly without human intervention.
  • Assign leads matching buyer persona criteria to specific sales reps based on territory or vertical expertise.
  • Route support tickets to the right agents based on request type, customer tier, language, and more.
  • Send customized nurture tracks to leads based on content downloads, page visits, or form submissions.
  • Create digest campaigns that summarize top-performing content over the past week, month, or quarter.

Types of HubSpot automation with examples

Now let's break down the different categories of automation tools available.

1. HubSpot sales automation

So, what is ”sales automation” in HubSpot? It is a comprehensive system that automates multiple facets of the sales process. From lead acquisition to conversion, HubSpot streamlines the sales pipeline by automating routine tasks, enabling sales teams to focus more on nurturing relationships and closing deals.  It eliminates the tedious manual efforts that once dominated sales operations, instead ushering to automated efficiency.

Hubspot sales automation

Key features for sales teams include:

  • Lead scoring: You can automatically rank leads based on predefined criteria, ensuring that your sales reps focus on the most promising prospects. Routing rules segment leads based on their sales readiness, ensuring that account executives (AEs) receive the right leads that match their expertise. Revenue Operations (RevOps) can leverage this data to optimize the sales pipeline and strategies.
  • Meeting schedule: HubSpot's automated scheduler lets prospects book meetings directly through your website eliminating the back-and-forth communication. Sales reps benefit enormously as it spares them the manual coordination, allowing them to focus on their sales pitches. AEs can ensure that they're always in touch with crucial leads without the administrative hassle.
  • Email sequences: HubSpot's email automation helps sales teams craft customized email workflows, engaging prospects at every stage of the sales funnel. While sales reps can benefit from predefined templates and sequence recommendations, AEs use them to cultivate deeper relationships with key accounts, nurturing them from interest to closure.
  • Data notifications: With real-time alerts from HubSpot, reps get instant notifications, like when a lead submits a form, ensuring they can react promptly. For AEs, this means an opportunity to tailor their approach based on lead activity, and for RevOps, it provides a chance to glean insights into lead behavior, refining lead acquisition strategies.

2. HubSpot workflow automation 

HubSpot workflow automation is an advanced tool that provides a centralized platform to map out, execute, and manage various business processes. The defining trait of this module is its flexibility—whether it's a simple action triggered by an email or a complex sequence involving multiple teams, conditions, and data sets, it can handle it all.

Hubspot workflow automation

Tools and features for workflow automation:

  • Drag-and-drop interface: HubSpot ensures that even the most complex workflows can be set up without a hitch using its intuitive interface. This makes it easy for teams to visualize and adapt workflows as requirements evolve.
  • Cross-departmental workflows: From HR to IT, workflow automation can integrate processes from various departments. Examples include streamlining employee onboarding, efficient handling of IT tickets, orchestrating customer onboarding sequences, etc.
  • App and tool Integrations: You can build custom workflows that trigger actions across multiple third-party apps and tools. For instance, you can welcome new blog subscribers by inducting them into a specific nurture workflow or alert the sales team instantly when a high-potential lead registers for an event.

While HubSpot offers powerful features, it isn't without its limitations, particularly in workflow customization and unidirectional alerts. Sales reps must navigate to HubSpot for subsequent actions. Luru fills this void. With Luru's no-code workflow builder, you can quickly set up real-time alerts for specific conditions. Once configured, reps can receive bi-directional alerts in platforms like Slack or Microsoft Teams. This allows them to directly update HubSpot from within the platforms reducing context switching.

3. HubSpot email automation 

It is a module that facilitates the creation, deployment, and monitoring of email campaigns, automated to cater to various triggers and customer behaviors. HubSpot's email workflows allow businesses to dynamically segment their audience based on criteria such as engagement metrics, demographic information, and past behaviors. This segmentation ensures that every email sent is tailored, targeted, and thus more likely to induce the desired action. Because the relevance of content to the recipient is the secret of impactful email campaigns. 

hubspot email automation

Key features of HubSpot's email automation include:

  • Customizable templates: It offers a range of templates that can be tailored to match your brand's unique aesthetic and messaging. Sales reps can use them to better engage leads, enhancing initial interactions. AEs, meanwhile, deploy consistent branding to reinforce trust and recognition among key accounts. 
  • Sequencing options: You can sequence emails to respond to various triggers or set schedules, ensuring timely communications. The power of communication isn't just in the message but also in its timing. This ensures that your brand remains on top of mind. It provides an automated path for sales reps to nurture leads consistently over time, guiding them smoothly down the sales funnel. 
  • A/B testing capabilities: With A/B testing, you can compare different email versions to determine which performs best. Sales Reps use this to fine-tune outreach based on what resonates with leads. AEs discern content preferences for stronger relationship-building with key accounts. Meanwhile, RevOps teams derive insights for data-driven revenue strategies.
  • Dynamic segmenting: This tool facilitates hyper-targeted campaigns, ensuring each message resonates with its intended audience. AEs can tailor each communication, amplifying personalization and strengthening ties with their accounts. While RevOps streamlines analysis from patterns in targeted campaigns, leading to refined strategies and better outcomes.

4. HubSpot programmable automation

If you are an advanced user or developer with an appetite for deeper integrations, HubSpot serves as a fertile ground. By using code, you can connect HubSpot tools with other apps and data sources, thanks to HubSpot's robust APIs and app development platform. This means Sales Reps and AEs can interact seamlessly with leads and clients. Plus, for the RevOps team, this level of customization lets them fine-tune workflows for top performance and smart resource use.

hubspot programmable automation

Considering real-world applications, the possibilities are expansive:

  • CRM and help desk syncing: HubSpot can integrate with various CRM or Help Desk applications, ensuring that all data points align across platforms.
  • Data imports: For businesses using ERP or inventory management systems, programmable automation facilitates easy data imports into HubSpot.
  • Customization: Developers can craft unique front-end interfaces, reports, chatbots, custom landing pages, and even progressive web apps, all within HubSpot's ecosystem.
  • Integrating external apps: One of the standout features is the ability to integrate with apps not native to HubSpot.
  • Data manipulation: Before triggering workflows, users can filter and manipulate data using functions and queries. This ensures that the information channeled into workflows is precise and relevant.

5. HubSpot data quality automation

The significance of maintaining impeccable data quality cannot be overstated. The accuracy, consistency, and reliability of data directly influence the efficacy of your automated processes. HubSpot has integrated robust tools geared toward enhancing data quality to address common database issues that organizations often grapple with. 

hubspot data quality automation

Some of the issues and how HubSpot fixes them:

  • Duplicate contacts: With HubSpot, you can easily identify redundancies and streamline your contact list by merging duplicates.
  • Incomplete profiles: Whether it's missing contact details or inconsistent formats, HubSpot's automation tools allow for standardized data entries.
  • Email accuracy: Invalid email addresses can be swiftly detected and rectified, ensuring seamless communication.
  • Re-engagement strategy: Unengaged or inactive contacts are pinpointed, offering an opportunity for tailored re-engagement campaigns.
  • Timely updates: Automation assists in flagging stale or outdated records, ensuring that your database is always current.

While HubSpot offers a robust suite of tools for this, third-party integrations can further enhance data quality management. A prime example is Luru. You can configure it to send instant alerts to sales reps and AEs whenever there's a missing field in a record so they can immediately update the record. Instead of retroactively trying to fix data inconsistencies, Luru empowers teams to address gaps as they occur, ensuring a consistently high-quality database that's primed for automation. 

6. HubSpot service automation

Customer service is rapidly evolving, with businesses constantly striving to provide faster, more efficient support. With HubSpot service automation, you can streamline support processes, ensuring that customers receive timely and effective assistance. 

Hubspot services automation

Here are some real-world examples:

  • Automated ticketing system: With HubSpot's intelligent ticketing, every customer query or complaint gets automatically assigned to the most suitable agent. This ensures that each ticket is handled by an agent with the appropriate expertise and availability. 
  • Feedback and survey automation: It dispatches post-interaction surveys automatically, to gather invaluable feedback about customer satisfaction and areas of improvement. 
  • Knowledge base automation: It's a dynamic repository, containing FAQs, tutorials, and more. Updated automatically, it ensures both customers and agents have access to the latest information, facilitating quicker issue resolution. 

7. HubSpot chatbot automation

The digital age demands instant responses, and HubSpot's chatbot automation is the modern answer to this call. Central to this feature is the HubSpot Conversations tool is a versatile chatbot that taps into your knowledge base. It operates around the clock, ensuring users always have an interface ready to assist.

HubSpot chatbot automation

Setting up these chatbots involves creating conversational interfaces. You can design intuitive interactions, ensuring that customers find the assistance they seek in a friendly, conversational manner.

Beyond just basic setup, HubSpot offers significant customization for these chatbot conversations. Depending on the user's query, the chatbot can seamlessly shift its response pattern, ensuring each interaction feels genuine and tailored.

Among the myriad tasks these bots excel at include:

  • Answering frequently asked questions (FAQs)
  • Entertaining product-related queries
  • Facilitating order placements
  • Offering real-time quotes

8. HubSpot reporting and analytics automation

HubSpot's reporting and analytics automation allows businesses to create custom dashboards and reports, delivering insightful metrics at a glance. Through scheduled deliveries and behavior-triggered analytics, stakeholders receive timely data, ensuring informed decision-making.

HubSpot reporting and analytics automation

Key features include: 

  • Custom dashboards and reports:  These dashboards can be tailored to display the exact metrics that matter most to your operations, ensuring you're always in tune with the health and direction of your business.
  • Scheduled report deliveries: Rather than manually pulling data and creating reports, HubSpot lets you schedule these tasks. You can automatically dispatch pertinent reports via email to stakeholders, ensuring timely updates without any manual effort.
  • Behavior-triggered analytics: It goes one step further and offers insights into user actions and preferences. This real-time data helps in predicting trends and understanding customer behavior better.
  • Create user-friendly visualizations: To visualize all these insights, HubSpot provides tools to create user-friendly visualizations. From pie charts to bar graphs, these visual representations make it easier to interpret data and spot trends.

Automated reporting saves time by delivering insights on autopilot. This covers the main types of workflow automation available in HubSpot, from sales and marketing to advanced custom integrations. The possibilities are endless!

Integrations and tools for better HubSpot automation

HubSpot's robust platform, while feature-rich in itself, gains even more functionality and versatility when integrated with external tools. These integrations augment HubSpot's inherent automation capabilities, allowing businesses to create a more tailored, efficient, and powerful system.

At its core, HubSpot offers seamless integration capabilities with a plethora of tools, be it CRM systems, data analytics platforms, or e-commerce solutions. The idea is to sync data and actions across platforms, ensuring consistency and eliminating redundancies. Whether you're integrating a tool for better lead tracking, advanced analytics, or content management, HubSpot likely has an integration available or an API that can make it happen.

What if you had a tool that could bring your CRM to your fingertips? You don’t have to switch between your tabs and windows to view or modify certain fields on HubSpot CRM when you receive an alert on your messaging app. Yes, you can work on your CRM without actually opening your CRM. That’s what you can do with Luru.

HubSpot automation made simpler and easier with Luru

As powerful as HubSpot is, the real magic happens when you enhance its capabilities with tools like Luru. Whether you're trying to refine your data quality, achieve more granular analytics, or simply streamline your workflows even further, Luru offers the integration to make HubSpot's automation simpler and more efficient.

hubspot simple automation

Tap into the full potential of your HubSpot automation with Luru. Whether it's sending bi-directional alerts to keep your sales team on their toes or maintaining impeccable data quality, Luru seamlessly integrates to enhance your workflow. Don't just automate; elevate your processes with Luru. Dive in and discover more today.


  1. Does HubSpot have automation?
    Yes, HubSpot offers a comprehensive suite of automation tools. These tools encompass various domains, including sales, marketing, service, and more. From email automation, lead scoring, and workflow automation, to reporting and analytics, HubSpot's automation capabilities are designed to streamline processes, engage customers effectively, and offer actionable insights from data.
  1. How do I use HubSpot automation?
    To use HubSpot's automation, start by logging into your HubSpot account. Navigate to the 'Automation' tab, where you'll find a range of tools such as workflows, email sequences, and more. Here, you can create and customize your automation based on your business needs. HubSpot also offers detailed tutorials and user guides to help users maximize the platform's automation capabilities.
  1. What is the HubSpot tool used for?
    HubSpot is an all-in-one inbound marketing, sales, and service platform. It's designed to help businesses attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. The platform offers a range of tools for content management, social media marketing, web analytics, landing pages, customer relationship management (CRM), and more. With its automation features, businesses can optimize their processes, saving time and improving efficiency.

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